Green Club
Green Club
The Green Club strives to contribute actively to the environment and community through simple acts of green. We are the ambassadors for a number of initiatives in support of the 3Rs, energy conservation and waste management.
Mr Whiteway Brett Allan (IC)
Mr Chua Si Yuan (2IC)
Training Schedule
Please click on the link below to view CCA venue & schedule.
CCA venue & schedule
- The ‘Big Family’ Project in collaboration with Youth Corps Singapore & Ground-Up Initiative (GUI) @ ORTO
- “Use Less Plastics” Exhibition @ Woodlands Civic Centre
- STEM Shell Challenge 2015
The ‘Big Family’ Project in collaboration with Youth Corps Singapore & Ground-Up Initiative (GUI) @ ORTO
One may assume that a group of teenagers would not have much to contribute to the building of a playground, but they could not be more wrong. Over a span of four sessions during May and June, Chung Cheng High Yishun students helped in the creation of a playground located at ORTO from scratch. The playground, a life sized replica of the ever popular board game ‘Snakes and Ladders’, consists of wooden tiles which were painstakingly crafted by students and tires painted by students, as well as a recycled slide from an old playground. Students picked up useful life skills such as carpentry, digging, and mostly importantly of all working with others. It was an excellent learning opportunity and they all had great fun.
STEM Shell Challenge 2015
The 2015 challenge is organised by STEM Inc, Science Centre Singapore and sponsored by Shell Singapore. The challenge was first introduced in 2013 and it has been upscaled since to include students from different streams to participate in a longer time period.
The challenge aims to encourage students to care for the environment and society. It also provides a platform for students to display critical thinking and to hone interpersonal skills through hands-on experiment in teams. Students work on creating practical solutions for the sustainability of food, water, energy and eco-friendly materials.
Having been assigned the theme ‘eco-friendly’, the team brainstormed and conceptualised our ideas into a prototype that involves the fusion of different types of plastics to make bag packs, wallets and purses. These end products may eventually be commercialised to support reduction in plastic waste.
The team has successfully went through the Judging Round and has emerged as the top 4 positions for the North Zone out of 17 participating teams. We will be competing against many of the best teams across schools nationwide and we hope to bring forth our prototype to as many people as possible.